Useful tips

The second corridor of 2021 eclipses is coming to an end. It will end on December 4, 2021, when the last solar eclipse of the year takes place.

The final corridor of eclipses cannot be called simple: here and there you could hear not very pleasant news, including news about celebrity deaths, volcanic eruptions, explosions, fires and other emergencies.

Mars and Uranus in the lunar eclipse map on November 19, 2021, as many astrologers warned, have already shown themselves in full swing.

Read also: Lunar eclipse November 19, 2021 astrological features, influences and tips

Eclipses often highlight a problem, complete some stages, remove excess, and clear space. Many people have important events near eclipses, but these events can not always be so negative.

Yes, eclipses are often fatal and once triggered, they can no longer be influenced. But the actions we take all year round lead us to these events, because our past choices always influence our present and future.

There is no need to be afraid of eclipses, these are important points of the year that help us draw important conclusions, lead or take some people away from our lives, and highlight the problems we still have to face to work.

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Where will the total solar eclipse on December 4, 2021 be seen?

The solar eclipse on December 4, 2021 belongs to 152 saros and is total, but it is unlikely to observe its full phase, because the visibility band will pass through the South Atlantic and Antarctica.

The partial phases of this eclipse will be visible throughout Antarctica, southern Africa, Tasmania, southern Australia and New Zealand, and in the waters closest to Antarctica. This eclipse is unlikely to gain popularity, as its visibility is quite limited and a tiny percentage of the inhabitants of our planet will be able to watch it in all its glory.

However, the astrological impact of this solar eclipse will still be felt by many of us, no matter how far away we can observe it.

What can we expect from the annular solar eclipse on December 4, 2021?

This eclipse will take place at 13 degrees Sagittarius and will be the final eclipse of a 2-year eclipse cycle on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. It will take place near the South Node. What does this mean?

Solar eclipses always occur on a new moon, so they are associated with the start of a new cycle. The eclipse corridor that is left behind allowed us to clear the space and be ready for something new.

The Gemini-Sagittarius axis

is associated with travel, travel, knowledge, communication, contacts, so this eclipse will still provide a lot of new things in these areas. The next eclipses, which will take place in 2022, will occur on a different axis – Taurus-Scorpio

– and will highlight other topics. Now it will be important to start new studies, trips, and broaden horizons.

The eclipse on December 4, 2021 will occur near

the South Node, which means that important undertakings during this period will be best achieved in collaboration with others. For example, if you would like to learn something new now, it's good to do it in collaboration with someone else, consult with partners, or start training with partners.

Close to this eclipse, you can be good at joint projects, public speeches, talk about your goals and share your ideas with the public.

On the other hand, events may happen during this period that can change your views and thinking: you may notice that changes in thinking can bring changes in the outside world and will affect how others treat you. During this period, it may also be necessary to travel to friends and relatives abroad.

Eclipse Horoscope

Important astrological features of the December 4, 2021 eclipse:


Connecting the eclipse point to Mercury may indicate that there will be a lot of information near this eclipse. Here you will need attention to understand the situations that will happen to you.

Mercury in Sagittarius

is in exile, but this is a fire sign, so many will now be willing to express their thoughts openly and boldly express what they think. On the other hand, the information you will receive should be carefully filtered and not taken at face value. It's dangerous to make promises or believe others' promises.

From about December 1 to December 7, 2021, near the eclipse, if possible, you should not make very important decisions, because now it is very easy to make mistakes in your estimates and get a distorted idea of reality. Sagittarius is an optimistic sign, and he is also very prone to illusions, so during this period it is easy to build castles in the air, believe in fairy tales, and overestimate requirements or expectations.


However, the eclipse point will not be hit this time. Saturn will make a harmonious aspect to it, which supports and gives stability. If, for example, you start an important study or go on an important journey near an eclipse, most likely you have thought about this for a long time, you have decided everything for yourself a long time ago and are convinced that this was the right decision.

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The intense aspect of Mars and Jupiter on the eclipse map suggests that during this period, especially near the eclipse, you should be very careful about what you do. Now there is a risk of overestimating your capabilities and taking on an unbearable burden. The sense of danger is now decreasing, so various injuries due to negligence or impulsiveness, financial losses, etc. are not excluded.


Venus in Capricorn

in the eclipse map will approach Pluto and will soon turn into retro motion. This connection will be quite significant in the near future, and in the eclipse map it will once again indicate the intensity of feelings and strong emotions that many will go through. You can review your relationship with money in the very near future.

© Dmitry Bogdanov

This eclipse can help you do the following:

Start new activities related to studying, teaching, traveling, moving

Set new goals

Change your views on some things

Change your mindset

Leave behind the beliefs that hinder your development (“I'm not worthy”, “I can't”, “I don't know what the value of my work is”, etc.)

Who will it influence the most?

The December 4, 2021 eclipse will have an impact on all Sagittarius, especially if you're born between December 2 and 6 of any year. All Gemini, especially those born between June 1 and June 5, should also pay attention to this eclipse.

The last years of the eclipse were Gemini-Sagittarius on your axis, so these signs were more likely to go through important life-changing events that would bring about change. This eclipse is the last in the cycle, which means that important changes may still occur near it and the next three months in areas that they will affect your personal birth chart.

An eclipse can also bring changes and important events to those born from September 3 to 7 (Virgo) or March 1 to March 5 (Pisces).

Read more about each zodiac sign here: December 2021 astroforecast for each zodiac sign

Personal forecasts provide more valuable information that you can use to achieve what you want, relieve anxiety about the future, and choose the right time for an important task. After the consultation, you have an idea of how to get through crises and benefit from them.

Solar eclipse on December 4, 2021: astrological features, influences and tips

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