Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo
The basilica was built in 1137 in gratitude for ridding the city of the plague epidemic: the plague raged in all neighboring regions, but Bergamo was spared. The building was built on the foundation of an old small church of the 8th century, and, according to legend, it was built on the site of a pagan temple.

Bergamo City Tower
The city tower in Bergamo is simply called “The Bell” in the city, and this is due to the fact that during its existence the tower has visited everything, including the bell alarm (and, by the way, it remains so to this day).

San Vigilio Castle in Bergamo
The first fort on this site was built by the Romans, and it happened in the 6th century AD. Several subsequent conquerors supported it, but the first serious increase was made only in the 9th century, Bergamo was then part of the principality of Lombardy.

Fort Bergamo
Rocca di Bergamo (that is, Rocca di Bergamo, Fort Bergamo) was historically created as the main defensive fort of the city, so it is a large, serious building with high towers, thick walls, etc. After the construction of the Venetian Walls, it ceased to be the main and last defensive frontier of Bergamo.

The Venetian Walls of Bergamo
The so-called Venetian Walls of Bergamo are actually so called, officially. This is due to the fact that they were built by the Republic of Venice after the city joined it. At the same time, it turned out that the border passed along the edge of the lands of Bergamo.

The Colleoni Chapel in Bergamo
It was built in 1476 as a tomb over the body of the noble nobleman Bartolomeo Colleoni. A well—known personality in Italy: a condottiere, a participant in many wars, including the war between Milan and Venice (and periodically participated on one side or the other), captain general of the Venetian Army.

Bergamo Cathedral
The Duomo di Bergamo, or Bergamo Cathedral, was built for a very long time — from the 15th to the 19th century, but the result is worth seeing. Despite the early start of construction, it is decorated almost exclusively in the Baroque style, and here you can find several works by masters of this style.

7 tourist spots in Bergamo, Italy

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