Unbelievable facts

Among the representatives of the Zodiac, there are very predictable and not particularly encouraging changes in their lives; these are signs of the earth's element — Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus.

But the originals often include representatives of other elements, because they are more flexible, easier to adapt to changes and sometimes initiate these changes themselves.

Let's find out which signs most often include strange and original people with their own ways of thinking or views on life that stand out from the crowd, as well as those who want something stand out, sometimes causing scandals.


What is the originality of Aquarius? In unconventional thinking, unpredictability, and the desire for change.

Aquarius can rightly be called the strangest and most original among all signs. This is due to their low passion for order and norms, their desire to change, become different, stand out from the crowd, offer original and brilliant ideas and approach issues with the help of unconventional methods.

By the way, the planet Uranus (the planet Aquarius) in the map, if it refers to a person's personality and character in the horoscope, gives those very originals, geniuses and freaks. Aquarians do not like traditional paths and are looking for new ways for themselves, but Aquarians do not always want to call for themselves and invite others to do the same. They are often loners who enjoy being alone, although they may be surrounded by a large number of friends and acquaintances.

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Aquarians are often accused of being “on their own wavelength”, not particularly caring about the family, loving freedom and always acting their own way, regardless of anyone. At the worst manifestations of qualities, Aquarians are often just like that, but not always. Intellectual freedom can be expressed in the activities of Aquarius, but he can take family, marriage, and relationships with others very seriously.

If Aquarius starts doing something, you will not see routine and tradition in his work, he will definitely bring something completely new and original to it that did not exist before! This is especially noticeable among people in creative professions.

Original Aquarians

Sometimes Aquarius does not need any assistants or collaborators to express himself in creativity. For example, he can write a play himself, stage it himself, and play the only role in it himself.

These are many of the performances of the famous actor, playwright and director Yevgeny Grishkovets

(born February 17, 1967 in Kemerovo), who became famous for his mono-performance dramatic works. Although many people dislike and criticize the original Grishkovets, his army of fans is not decreasing, but only growing.

Celebrities with oddities


What is the originality of Scorpions? In a highly developed intuition, the ability to manipulate others and see through them, in unusual abilities, in the ability to hide your true feelings.

This zodiac sign is eccentric and original and can compete even with Aquarius. The water element of Scorpio is not quite common, compared to other water signs – Pisces and Cancer.

Pisces are ready to share their experiences and inner world with others, Cancers — with loved ones, but no one knows what is going on in Scorpios's souls! Moreover, Scorpio is so good at hiding his true feelings and his true face that it surprises other people if it appears from a completely different angle.

This zodiac sign has such endurance that one can envy. Scorpions know how to wait, they know how to be calm and cold even when they need to show emotions. And that doesn't mean they don't care or aren't emotional. They're just good at managing their emotions.

Original scorpions

British scorpion actress Tilda Swinton (born November 5, 1960 in London) boasts not only an unusual image, but also a very unusual way of expressing herself in art, becoming an art object in contemporary art museums in London, Rome and New York during different years of his career.

In 2013, she placed herself in a glass box at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, where she slept peacefully all day in front of astonished museum visitors. There were no explanations for this performance called The Maybe, so the audience themselves drew conclusions about what the author wanted to say. Well, an unusual way to show your emotions is not to show them in any way…


What is the originality of Pisces? In an effort to sympathize and empathize with everyone.

Pisces, perhaps, are among the strangest representatives of the Zodiac due to their sensitivity and detachment from this world. Pisces are so immersed in their fantasies and their inner world that they often confuse fantasy with reality, creating artificial memories for themselves.

Pisces believe in things they have invented themselves and may not appear to be very strange people at all.

Read also: The most unique features of the zodiac signs

Unfortunately, this zodiac sign is not always able to see the real state of things and understand not only themselves and others, but also what is happening around them.

Original fish

Evgeny Tsyganov, the great original and the most numerous father of Russian cinema, Ryba

(born March 15, 1979 in Moscow) has 8 heirs: seven from his first wife Irina Leonova and one from the second is Yulia Snigir.

Interestingly, he never officially registered a relationship with his first wife and left her, leaving her pregnant, although the family was quite religious and adhered to all Orthodox traditions, as reported in the press. One can only guess what was the reason for leaving a family of seven weather babies, because the actors do not talk about the details of their personal lives.


What is the originality of Aries? In an effort to take the first position always and in everything, in an effort to constantly run or go somewhere.

Although in general, Aries can't be called too strange, there are also enough originals among them. If Aries lacks traditional ways of expressing himself, he can also use very unusual ones.

Aries prefer to be pioneers, so they often choose professions where you can become a leader, lead the masses, and come up with something new. He can do it if he has enough passion. But here you can see an original approach: doing things in life that will not be reduced to routine and monotony. This can also be a frequent career change, as for example, the famous Hollywood actor Aries James Franco, who does not rest on his laurels.

Original Aries

American actor, director, screenwriter and artist James Franco (born April 19, 1978 in California) is known for his outrageous antics. For example, in 2011, he co-hosted the Oscars with Anne Hathaway and completely moved away from the script, he said, because he didn't like the script from the start.

That same year, the actor and director announced that he had made the invisible film Red Leaves, which cannot be seen because it only exists in James's imagination. The actor sometimes likes to post nude photos on Instagram, often kisses men on screen, can get a tattoo on the back of his head for a role, and even sell air and many other things that fall under the “not really standard behavior” category.

Singer Stephanie Germanotta, known under the pseudonym Lady Gaga (born March 28, 1986 in New York), can hardly be called a great original. Her outrageous appearance and stunning outfits are combined with the active expression of her own views, especially ideas related to supporting sexual minorities. In addition to her main career as a pop singer, she is also involved in serious charitable projects.

Sometimes she supports tales about herself that have appeared in the press, probably intentionally wanting to stand out even more. For example, she once confirmed that she is… a hermaphrodite.

In 2010, Lely Gaga came to the MTV Video Music Awards stage wearing a real… meat dress. The dress was preserved when dried and is now in the Rock and Roll Museum.

Strange character


What is the originality of Twins? In freedom of expression, in the desire to know everything in the world, in the duality of nature.

The Gemini air sign can be different: insanely light and mobile, and tough and wayward. Sometimes they become hypocrisy, and they can be both loyal friends and mean liars.

Gemini is a fickle sign, it is difficult for him to sit still, be predictable and always the same. That is why representatives of this sign are very sociable, love everything new and unknown, are not averse to long journeys and noisy companies, and easily change their lives. Sometimes Twins' oddities take them very far away…

Original twins

One of the brightest celebrities representing the Gemini sign is actress Angelina Jolie (born June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles), who knows how to surprise the audience and attract close attention to a new outrageous weekend.

It's just amazing when she manages to be an actress, a director, a UN Goodwill Ambassador, a mother of six, a pilot of her own plane, and the owner of the 100 most prestigious awards and titles, and much more.

And although nothing special has been observed for her in recent years, the list of oddities left behind her is very immodest.

There are

no tattoos and no tattoos on her body! Some philosophical inscriptions, coordinates of the places where her children were born, symbols of death, animals, crosses, and even the name of her second husband (erased after the divorce).

At one time, Jolie was a fan of blood. For example, for her wedding with her first husband Johnny Lee Miller, the actress wore a T-shirt with the groom's name, which she wrote in her own blood. Jolie and her second husband Billy Bob Thornton had unusual jewelry: they wore pendants with each other's blood.

In 2013, after finding out that she carried the gene responsible for breast cancer, the actress decided to undergo surgery to remove her breasts and then reconstruct them. And in 2015, she went under the surgeon's knife again to get rid of her ovaries, as she was also diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Read also: Angelina Jolie's new breasts and other interesting facts about women's breasts

Angelina Jolie has a pilot's license, which she obtained in 2004. The actress bought her first Cirrus SR22 plane herself, and Brad Pitt gave the other to see her wife more often.

Strange behavior


What is the originality of Lviv? I want to see only admiring faces around me.

Lions are very proud and surround themselves with a certain retinue, like any authority. The retinue proves its loyalty to the master, praises him and even adores him. Such a specific character pattern often makes Lviv choose an appropriate profession and activity that allows them to be special, famous and respected individuals.

It is hardly possible to find a Leo who will close at home and work remotely. Usually these people are always in sight, they strive to join society and try to achieve some success, beating competitors.

Lions often become actors, directors, singers, showmen; in general, they choose public professions. This is exactly their path. But there are also rich people among them, known for their sweeping gestures and strange behavior that attracts attention.

Original lions

Billionaire investor and philanthropist Nicholas Berggruen was born under the sign of Leo on August 10, 1961. He's on the list of the world's weirdest rich people. He is not tied to real estate or women, he doesn't really go to work, has no place to live, but travels around the world and does business remotely.

However, the billionaire also made heirs in a very unusual way: he has two children born to two different surrogate mothers and one female egg donor.


What is the originality of Streltsov? In constant movement towards the goal, in the desire to embrace the immensity and be in several places at once.

Sagittarians can be very versatile people with broad horizons and extensive knowledge, but there are also eccentrics among them who don't care about public opinion. This is due to the fact that Sagittarians love freedom very much, and some people confuse this concept with permissiveness, seeing no boundaries and regardless of the rules of decency.

Original Sagittarians

There are many strange and outrageous personalities among rock music stars, and if they were born under the sign of Sagittarius, you can expect anything here. For example, Ozzy Osbourne, who was born on December 3, 1948 in Birmingham, UK, doesn't mind putting his personal life on public display by hosting the Osbourne Family reality show, or maybe it's easy to bite off the head of a bat or a pigeon.

All his antics and quirks are largely due to the alcohol and drug addictions that the musician has suffered from for many years. After so many substances taken, doctors were generally surprised how he was still alive. After undergoing a special DNA test, experts reported that this unusual resistance to alcohol and drugs is in his genes.

Ozzy has lots of oddities and unusual biography facts. For example, he did not have a driver's license until the age of 60 and passed it 19 times 30 years after he first tried to pass his license.


What is Virgo's originality? An excessive desire to see cleanliness and order next to you, which is sometimes due to paranoia.

Virgos are not too strange people, there are few of them who are quirky, as this is an earthly practical sign that does not like change and usually lives by certain rules, keeping order. But Virgos sometimes have strange habits that are not particularly understood by others.

Original Virgins

For example, actress Cameron Diaz, Virgo (born August 30, 1970), has a particular phobia that illustrates Dev's desire for cleanliness very well — fear of dirt. Hygiene issues come first for her, so the actress tries, for example, not to touch the door handles in public places.

Another eccentric actor, known for his simplicity and open-mindedness, is often described as a rather strange person. This is American Bill Murray, born September 21, 1950. It has its own rules and procedures that it adheres to. For example, Bill doesn't like dealing with agents, so finding an actor for assistants and directors to offer him a role is often quite difficult. He can easily come to someone else's party or get hooked on an unfamiliar company at a karaoke bar.


What is the originality of Cancers? Not wanting to be seen and share something intimate with anyone (except loved ones).

Cancers are usually not odd, especially among famous personalities, strange Cancers are not so common. They don't particularly like to wash dirty linen out of the hut and prefer not to attract much attention with some antics or quirks.

Original crayfish

However, the whole world knows one strange Cancer, and his oddities are now being discussed everywhere, especially after the details of his latest divorce. This is about Tom Cruise, who was born on July 3, 1962 in Syracuse, New York.

Tom is known to be a member of a very strange religious movement, the Church of Scientology, whose members influence his relationships with his wives a lot. Both of his last marriages fell apart, and one good reason was Tom's dedication to the church and its principles.


What is the originality of Taurus? The ability to see and create form and beauty.

Taurus' passion for money and material values, of course, sometimes goes off scale. This is their uniqueness, but in some places even strange. However, Taurus, like other representatives of earthly signs, are not so often strange, out of this world personalities, and even more so outrageous. However, there are also exceptions among them.

Original Taurus

The famous Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali was a Taurus and was born on May 11, 1904 in Figueres. He created his works with the aim of shocking and evoking appropriate feelings and responses, but was shocking not only in his work, but also in life.

He achieved great recognition during his lifetime, fabulous painting fees, and, like all Taurus, loved money. While drawing masterpieces, Dali also did not shy away from producing unremarkable advertisements and even painted airplanes. He believed that you can never have too much money and it doesn't matter how you get it. “An artist's hands must produce gold,” he said.

Interestingly, it was Dali who came up with the Chupa Chups lollipop logo.


What is the originality of Capricorns? Excessive demands on yourself, other people and the world around you.

The oddities of Capricorns are usually not particularly noticeable, but sometimes they can relate to some global things, like real estate. Capricorns are usually practical and purposeful, they love hard ground under their feet, which is why they work so hard to be confident in the future. But sometimes this passion for sustainable soil can play a trick on them, subjugating their lives to collecting wealth.

Unlike Taurus and other earthly signs, Capricorns are not particularly tight when it comes to money, but they also have a passion for the material world.

Original Capricorns

Nicolas Cage, an American actor from the famous Coppola family, was born in California on January 7, 1964 under the sign of Capricorn. Nicholas is known for his strange shopping preferences.

He can buy a comic book collection for a million dollars, and a dinosaur skull for $270,000. At one point, he also paid half a million for an octopus that the actor claimed would help him play.

Cage's larger, more “useful” purchases include sports cars, private jets, yachts, apartments, castles, and even islands. In the end, ridiculous spending led the Oscar-winning actor to serious problems, because even a multimillion-dollar fortune, if used ineptly, ends. And it is also necessary to pay real estate taxes and maintain all these valuables…


What is the originality of Libra? In a constant quest for harmony and balance.

This zodiac sign is perhaps one of the least strange, although, of course, it has its own characteristics that distinguish Libra representatives from the rest. Libra is very tactful, they know how to present themselves, they know how to negotiate and avoid conflicts and scandals in every possible way.

Original scales

French actress Brigitte Bardot, one of the most beautiful and sexy women of the 20th century, was born in Paris on September 28, 1934 under the sign of Libra. Her weirdness and life's greatest love are… animals. At her peak, shortly before her 40th birthday, she announced that she was ending her film career and promising to devote herself fully to animal welfare.

For over 40 years,

she's been keeping her promise. Today, in her early 80s, she lives alone on her farm, surrounded by pets.

Like many Libras, Brigitte hates injustice and condemns things that she believes go beyond harmony and naturalness, such as homosexuality or interracial marriage.

The weirdest and most original zodiac signs and funny celebrity oddities

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