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new film “Legion” tells the story of humanity's last days when several angels try to protect a pregnant woman a woman carrying humanity's new savior under her heart.

The film depicts Archangel Michael with a hunting knife in one hand and a gun in the other, but this is clearly not the angel our grandmothers know about. Bible angels were tall and slender men with soft features, often wearing evolving clothes that revealed their large white wings. And unlike Archangel Michael in Legion, their bodies were stripped of tattoos.

Despite centuries of theological speculation about angels, it is not known for certain whether or not they exist to date. Many people believe in their existence: opinion polls have shown that nearly 70 percent of Americans believe in their existence, and 32 percent say they personally feel present angels.

The Bible describes angels as God's messengers whose main task was to announce birth or death, but these days angels are seen more as guardians. Indeed, very often the word angel is used to describe any hero or virtue.

According to the Bible, angels were told to appear in public during difficult times, and in normal times, their invisible presence should be calming. In real life, however, eyewitnesses say angels can take many forms. Sometimes they can be in the shape of the sun. It was in this form that he was seen by North Carolina resident Colin Benton, whose daughter was terminally ill. But one day, while in the hospital corridor, she saw a bright light coming out of her daughter's room and heading towards the window. After that, the girl felt much better, and her mother is sure that it was an angel's visit.

Although angels are known to live in heaven, their visits to Earth are not always well-intentioned. Bible angels are not only heaven and patronage, but they also besiege cities and kill people, as we see from Hollywood movies. Archangel Michael, for example, is often portrayed as the leader of God's army, which destroys other armies using its fearsome power and fiery sword.

The most famous angel is certainly Satan, who rebelled against God and was banished from heaven. Satan started his own journey, according to Greek mythology, from the Styx River, and has been doing very well ever since.

It is possible that the title of the film “Legion” is not the name of an angel, but of a demon. The New Testament tells a story in which Jesus encounters a man who is possessed by demons: “And (Jesus) asked him, 'What is your name'? He said, “My name is Legion because there are so many of us.”

Good and bad angels in Hollywood and in the Bible

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