Unbelievable facts

Celebrities are mere mortals like any of us.

Therefore, they all tend to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, grow old and lose their former beauty and freshness.

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However, the laws of show business are cruel, and stars do not say goodbye to mistakes.

These stars were once admired, envied by millions and called sex symbols. For many, they were an ideal of beauty and an object to follow.

But look at these pictures for what they look like now. Someone has gained a lot of weight, someone has mutilated themselves with endless plastic surgeries.

The bottom line: beautiful and gorgeous, they've become scary and unattractive people.

Stars that have lost their beauty

1. Lindsay Lohan

Everyone remembers the cute and naturally beautiful face of Hollywood's main brawler Lindsay Lohan. Nature did reward her with attractive looks, but…

2. Kevin Federline

Once upon a time, this handsome man broke the heart of the pop princess herself.

Britney Spears gave birth to Kevin two sons, and then the couple was shocked by a series of numerous scandals, after which Kevin and Britney broke up. Today, Kevin's ex-girlfriend and heartthrob are hard to recognize.

3. Tara Reid

And this Hollywood beauty ruined not only her face, but also her figure, in particular her naturally beautiful chest.

Unfortunately, Tara used silicone implants, which were not the most successful.

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4. Macauley Culkin

Macaulay's appearance was ruined by drug addiction and alcohol addiction. The naturally pretty actor now bears little resemblance to the charming boy that many of us fell in love with after watching the comedy “Home Alone”.

5. Amanda Bynes

Surely, fans of romantic comedies remember the charming actress with plump cheeks and a childish round face.

It's hard to recognize Amanda today…

6. Meg Ryan

Thin, fragile, charming and so natural… all these epithets would fit Meg Ryan 20 years ago.

Obviously, the actress went too far with plastic surgery, which clearly mutilated herself.

7. Madonna

Who has long been an ideal of beauty and a symbol of female sexuality? That's right, Madonna!

Obviously, this title is a thing of the past, as is the beauty of the queen of pop music.

8. Mickey Rourke

I'm sure older women remember this crazy hair look and sensual lips.

Millions of women went crazy about it in the 80s and 90s. Then he suddenly disappeared and reappeared, but in a completely different guise.

Of course, we are talking about the conqueror of once women's hearts, handsome Mickey Rourke, who not only mutilated himself with plastic surgery, but simply became a completely different person.

Read also: What did these 20 celebrities look like before plastic surgery? The results are appalling

9. Kelly Clarkson

Now it is difficult to recognize this curvy lady as the fragile blonde we saw back in 2002, when young Kelly Clarkson took part in one of the music shows.

Since then, Kelly has grown by leaps and bounds, but being overweight does not prevent her successful career.

10. Jessica Simpson

We all remember the not-so-smart, but undeniably beautiful blonde who smiled at us from TV screens in the early 2000s.

Reality star and wife of musician Nick Lachey, Jessica Simpson conquered the world with her spontaneity, charm and, of course, perfect figure.

However, a decade has passed and this is not the same Jessica in front of us…

11. Rob Kardashian

Once upon a time, the famous Kim Kardashian's younger brother was a model. Once upon a time…

12. Steven Seagal (Steven Seagal)

Do you remember what Steven Seagal was like a quarter of a century ago? A fit handsome man who won over from TV screens with his courage and courage.

This is not the same man today. More precisely, that one, but already half a cent heavier…

13. Mariah Carey

And the forms of this beauty in the 90s excited millions of men's minds. Mariah has never been particularly skinny. But everything was in moderation and beautiful.

But today, the singer can no longer be called a sex symbol.

14. Janet Jackson

Do you remember the videos of the mid-90s in which athletic beauty Janet not only sang but also danced?

Unfortunately, little is left of Michael Jackson's younger sister's former gorgeous figure…

15. Angelina Jolie

Unlike most show business colleagues who have gained weight over the years, one of the most beautiful women on the planet, on the contrary, has lost a lot of weight.

It is difficult to say whether weight loss is due to nervous stress, illness, or whether this is the desire of Angie herself. But one thing is for sure: in her previous normal weight, she was unparalleled.

Today, her art not only scares numerous fans, but raises serious concerns for the Hollywood actress's health.

16. Christina Aguilera

The incredible Christina Aguilera amazed everyone not only with her voice, but also with her chiseled figure close to perfection.

17. Britney Spears

Christina's eternal stage rival Britney Spears has also changed over the years. Today she is not that girl with beautiful curves and a pretty face.

And, despite the fact that Britney is losing weight and gaining weight again, it is obvious to everyone that she will not be able to regain her former beauty and charm.

18. Donatella Versace

And this celebrity has long been a walking symbol for a plastic surgery victim. Donatella is nothing but a living monster.

And few people realize that just a couple of decades ago, the head of the Versace fashion house was a very beautiful woman.

Among our domestic stars, there are also those who were known as real beauties just a few years ago. But today they have lost their former beauty, and when we look at them, we only shudder.

The former beauty of the stars

19. Vera Alentova

The once beautiful Vera Alentova was once a real sex symbol of Soviet and then Russian cinema.

But her immense love for plastic made Alentova a real monster.

20. Anastasia Volochkova

Today, few people remember the pretty and subtle Anastasia Volochkova. But there was such a famous ballerina some 10 years ago.

21. Natalya Andreychenko

The role of Mary Poppins made her famous all over the world. At that time, she was a beautiful, thin and charming girl.

However, like most of her colleagues, Natalia was killed by her excessive love for plastics.

22. Lyubov Uspenskaya

Another victim of unsuccessful plastic surgery is singer Lyuba Uspenskaya.

23. Masha Rasputina

Masha Rasputina has not changed her gender so far. The nose, lips, chest were all exposed to the plastic surgeon's knife.

Celebrities who lost their beauty: creepy photos

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