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It is said that our real life is one of the many cycles of being. Buddhism says that each person is not just an individual, but a treasure trove of a huge flow of energy.

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After a person dies, this flow passes to another person, and a new cycle begins. It is believed that our life today is a direct reflection of experiences from past lives. In Buddhism, every person is reborn in order to learn and do something in the next life that they could not do in the previous life.

If you believe this, you will be able to find a large number of signs and evidence that you have reincarnated more than once. Now let's talk about the most common signs that you are not living in the world for the first time.

Past lives

1. You're having recurring dreams

Throughout your life, you have very realistic dreams that are repeated over and over again. Often, when you dream, you feel like you're not sleeping at all or you can even see yourself waking up.

This may be a sign that you have already come to Earth in other incarnations and that is why you are dreaming about the experience of previous lives.

2. You feel like you're older than your age

The expression “very old soul” fits you very well. You don't understand why you feel like you know so many things in life as if you've lived a very long life and gained experience.

Moreover, many people around you say you're too mature for your age. Your peers often come to you for advice because they consider you to be experienced and wise.

3. You have a very developed intuition

It is often the case that you know what will happen in a particular situation, because it seems that you subconsciously remember what happened in similar situations in past lives.

You have great intuition about other people, as you've seen a lot of similar things in your previous incarnations.

Soul, journey

4. You know what's not of this world

You often feel like a stranger in this world. It's like you've already had experience in other conditions, but you can't understand and remember it. You get the impression that you're incredibly different from other people.

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It is said that in this case, a person is nostalgic for home, that is, the place where all souls gather before the next life. Buddhists say that the oldest souls who know a great deal and who have been through fire, water and copper pipes have the greatest need to return home.

5. You empathize very much with others

You don't understand why, but you are very sensitive to others and sometimes you understand them better than you understand yourself. You can even learn about their feelings from afar or at first sight.

This is especially true for those who are very dear to you. You know how they feel even if you're thousands of miles away.

6. You know how to anticipate

It's the feeling of knowing what's going to happen in certain situations. It most often manifests itself in the form of a premonition, vision, or an incredibly vivid sensation.

It is said to speak of your soul's journey across several different dimensions.

7. You're a religious person

You feel close to God or to a higher power. You consider the energy you receive during prayers and rituals to be extremely important and feel it.

It's like you have a connection with higher powers. You're sure someone from afar cares about you, and you're feeling that unconditional love.

8. You love the story

When you were a kid, did you have an inexplicable love for a particular historical event or culture? It is said that the presence of an inexplicable craving for a particular culture or time period is a kind of remnant of a past life that leads to thinking about a particular place or culture.

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9. You have unexplained fears

It is said that we may experience trauma from our past lives in the form of unexplained fears and phobias. Examples include fear of drowning, fear of certain animals, fear of a particular place, fear of specific numbers or colors, etc.

Future Lives, Past Lives

10. You know how to judge a book by its cover

By watching how a person behaves in just a few minutes, you can tell a lot about that person, their character and lifestyle.

It's like having software that helps you look around and download information about other souls. This is because in a past life you saw the archetype of this person and are familiar with the general behavior and psychology of such people.

11. It is impossible to fool you

You're not a naive person. You're not as susceptible to brainwashing as other people are. When you see this, you subconsciously understand that fraud is happening. You also see through people, you know their real intentions.

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12. You are easy-going and easy to get along with people

Old souls tend to find common ground with other people more easily and more quickly. They are nice people who are very gracious. At the same time, however, old souls are often detached and alienated. Young souls don't understand this, although they admire how old souls can stay calm in the most unexpected situations.

13. You have a rebellious nature

It doesn't matter what you're rebelling against, be it religion, laws, or anything else. Thus, your soul shows that it recognizes the only laws — the Laws of the Universe.

You know all the laws of the world very well, but they are not the ultimate truth for you, because you know that there are many higher laws that are designed to ease the soul progress.

14. You're a happy person

You've already lived several lives so you understand the importance of things like patience, honesty, and self-analysis. Having a heart with someone seems natural to you, because this is the only way you can always come to the rescue.

You're a very fast learner when it comes to life lessons, and you're very good at listening when life tells you something.

14 signs this is not your first life on Earth

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